Here's how it works. Just remember the acronym and you're good to go for the most part. Practice makes perfect.
S - Specific
Being specific means that you have squeezed out the whats in your goal.For example:
"Study design patterns more"
Questions you should be asking yourself because "Study design patterns more." is too big and vague of a goal:
What exactly do we want to achieve from this?
What is its alignment with our dream of becoming a better software developer?
To what extent are we studying design patterns? Here, we can say, study design patterns more up to the point that I can explain them in my own words, apply them in my projects, and put up a tutorial about design patterns to see if I have really understood them.
Now that's more specific.
What particular design patterns do I want to learn more? In my line of work, mobile applications developer for Android Applications, I want to focus my field on business and consumer apps. So I break up "Design Patterns" to more specific design patterns: I have determined that Facade Pattern, Factory Pattern, Composite Pattern, Command Pattern.
M - Measurable
Your goal should be measurable in terms of progress. How would you know that you're on track?You should be able to answer the questions with How Much or How Many.
For example:
How many design patterns should I have been able to explain in my own words on March 15?
How many design pattern tutorials should I have published by March 15?
A - Achievable
Goals should have timeframes. Is your goal achievable for your set timeframe? Are the concreteaction items that are required to achieve this goal possible to do in your current situation? If not,
you may need to adjust your timeframe or you may need to set smaller goals first that are aligned
with this bigger goal and focus on them first.
R - Relevant
This criteria is very important. Is your goal relevant or aligned with your dreams? If your goal isnot relevant to your ultimate dream you might find it to be a struggle in keeping your focus in the action items for your goal because the goal might not be aligned to what you really want in life.
T - Timely
Assign a reasonable deadline for your goal. Better yet, divide them into smaller milestones so youare kept motivated every milestone until you reach your deadline. Treat this deadline very seriously so that you do the action items required religiously and consistently every single day possible.
Advantages of having a S.M.A.R.T. Plan
- Keeps you motivated during your journey towards achieving your goal.
- Gives you the structure to be able to track the progress of your goal.
- Helps you identify goals that are too big for your current situation and break them down to more manageable goals.
- Helps you identify goals that are not aligned with what you truly want in life.
- Helps you not be overwhelmed by the goals you set out for yourself.
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